<<<<< OHG128 >>>>> <<< IVS-OHG128 >>> Matthias Schartner(1), Christian Ploetz(2), (1) Technische Universitaet Wien (2) Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell Date of experiment: 2020,Nov,04 Nominal Start Time: 17h30 UT Nominal End Time: 17h30 UT Duration: 24.0 hr Correlator: BONN Participating stations: (8) FORTLEZA Ft HART15M Ht HOBART26 Ho KOKEE Kk OHIGGINS Oh SYOWA Sy WARK12M Ww YARRA12M Yg scheduler: matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at Contact ======= Matthias Schartner (1) matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at +43(1) 58801 - 12811 Christian Ploetz (2) christian.ploetz@bkg.bund.de Notes: =========================================================== This is an automatically generated schedule The template was generated by Matthias Schartner and Christian Ploetz Purpose ======= The purpose of the IVS-OHIG (Southern Terrestrial Reference Frame) sessions is to tie together optimally the sites in the southern hemisphere. Because these sessions concentrate on the southern sites and do not use observing time to accurately tie these sites to far northern sites (as the Global Sessions do) they should yield a very accurate regional TRF around the South Pole. Schedule ======== This is a schedule generated with the automatic mode of sked using the variable scan length with a minimum of 30 seconds. The most recent and updated source flux models are included. SNR goals are around 24/20 at X-band and 22/18 at S-band for all stations. Station down times: KOKEE 2020.11.04 18:20:00 - 2020.11.04 19:40:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 18:55:00 - 2020.11.04 19:17:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 20:28:00 - 2020.11.04 20:53:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 21:21:00 - 2020.11.04 21:45:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 22:55:00 - 2020.11.04 23:19:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 00:29:00 - 2020.11.05 00:52:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 02:04:00 - 2020.11.05 02:23:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 05:08:00 - 2020.11.05 05:26:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 06:39:00 - 2020.11.05 07:01:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 08:11:00 - 2020.11.05 08:35:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 09:45:00 - 2020.11.05 10:09:00 OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 11:24:00 - 2020.11.05 11:41:00 Tagalong mode used: none =========================================================== Session Notes for session: OHG128 =========================================================== Experiment: OHG128 Description: IVS-OHG128 Scheduler: VIEN Correlator: BONN Start: 2020-309-17:30:00 End: 2020-310-17:30:00 Current yyyyddd: 2020309 (2020.84) ( 59157 MJD, WED. 4NOV.) =========================================================== Software: VieSched++ Version: c067049 GUI: VieSched++ Version: cde98f5 scheduler: matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at mail: matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at =========================================================== First observations Observation listing from file ohg128.skd for experiment OHG128 Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ft Ht Ho Kk Oh Sy Ww Yg OJ287 20309-173000| 31 115 115 101 1908-201 20309-173000| 48 195 195 0458-020 20309-173252| 74 138 136 138 1741-038 20309-173407| 307 228 307 0727-115 20309-173557| 120 169 168 169 0402-362 20309-174000| 780 600 616 763 749 780 Last observations 2255-282 20310-170000| 740 685 600 712 740 701 0402-362 20310-171253| 705 600 705 605 600 698 0454-234 20310-172318| 402 402 402 0235+164 20310-172532| 268 268 268 =========================================================== Calibrator scans Observation listing from file ohg128.skd for experiment OHG128 Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ft Ht Ho Kk Oh Sy Ww Yg 0402-362 20309-174000| 780 600 616 763 749 780 1244-255 20309-175319| 780 600 780 611 780 747 2255-282 20310-170000| 740 685 600 712 740 701 0402-362 20310-171253| 705 600 705 605 600 698 =========================================================== Schedule was created using multi scheduling tool version 2081 weight sky-coverage 0.321364 weight number of observations 0.143477 weight duration 0.437386 weight idle time 0.0977722 station weight FORTLEZA: 0.989417 station weight HART15M: 1.30362 station weight HOBART26: 1.23521 station weight KOKEE: 1.39848 station weight OHIGGINS: 0.756499 station weight SYOWA: 0.732294 station weight WARK12M: 0.508395 station weight YARRA12M: 1.07609 =========================================================== Key: Ft=FORTLEZA Ht=HART15M Ho=HOBART26 Kk=KOKEE Oh=OHIGGINS Sy=SYOWA Ww=WARK12M Yg=YARRA12M Ft Ht Ho Kk Oh Sy Ww Yg Avg % obs. time: 65.44 77.32 63.36 64.40 50.95 78.12 84.44 83.19 70.90 % cal. time: 1.38 1.88 2.44 1.78 0.81 1.77 2.22 2.28 1.82 % slew time: 19.64 11.73 30.31 8.48 7.28 2.81 6.58 8.32 11.89 % idle time: 11.46 7.92 2.39 24.23 39.19 16.20 5.39 4.81 13.95 % field system: 0.83 1.12 1.47 1.07 0.49 1.06 1.33 1.37 1.09 total # scans: 122 165 214 157 83 156 195 200 162 # scans/hour: 5.08 6.88 8.92 6.54 3.46 6.50 8.12 8.33 6.73 total # obs: 274 447 623 427 238 413 558 596 447 # obs/hour: 11.42 18.62 25.96 17.79 9.92 17.21 23.25 24.83 18.62 Avg scan (sec): 463.44 404.86 255.80 354.38 530.34 432.65 374.12 359.36 396.87 # Mk5 tracks: 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Total TB(M5): 0.86 1.02 0.84 0.85 0.67 1.03 1.11 1.10 0.93 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Ft Ht Ho Kk Oh Sy Ww Yg Total --------------------------------------------------- Ft| 100 6 18 54 70 14 12 274 Ht| 54 0 58 135 26 74 447 Ho| 136 20 51 181 175 623 Kk| 16 9 144 104 427 Oh| 53 18 19 238 Sy| 29 66 413 Ww| 146 558 Yg| 596 Number of 2-station scans: 0 ( 0.00 %) Number of 3-station scans: 145 ( 41.55 %) Number of 4-station scans: 167 ( 47.85 %) Number of 5-station scans: 33 ( 9.46 %) Number of 6-station scans: 4 ( 1.15 %) Number of 7-station scans: 0 ( 0.00 %) Number of 8-station scans: 0 ( 0.00 %) Total number of scans: 349 Total number of obs: 1788 Total integrated obs-time: 620889 Average obs-time: 347.3 =========================================================== Recording mode: Mode: 64-16(EU-T2) Freq: EUR2-SX Recording mode for: Ft Ht Ho Kk Oh Sy Ww Yg Tot.Rate Tot.BandW Chan.BW #BBC #bits Tracks 128 Mbit/s 64 MHz 4.00 MHz 14 1 16 S-band spanned bw = 80.0 MHz rms spanned bw = 33.1 MHz X-band spanned bw = 360.0 MHz rms spanned bw = 157.2 MHz ================================================================================================================================================ ADDITONAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULER ================================================================================================================================================ number of scheduled observations: 1788 of 1827 -> 39 (2.13 [%]) observations not optimized for SNR #scans #obs --------------------------------- total 349 1788 --------------------------------- single source 113 670 subnetting 236 1118 --------------------------------- standard 306 1582 fillin mode 39 146 calibrator 4 60 weight factors: sky coverage: 0.321364 number of observations: 0.143477 duration: 0.437386 weight idle time: 0.0977722 idle time interval: 180 sky coverage score (1 means perfect distribution) .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | | FORTLEZA HART15M HOBART26 KOKEE OHIGGINS SYOWA WARK12M YARRA12M | average | |-------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | 13 areas @ 30 min | 0.23 0.29 0.36 0.25 0.18 0.30 0.33 0.33 | 0.28 | | 25 areas @ 30 min | 0.13 0.17 0.22 0.16 0.10 0.17 0.19 0.20 | 0.17 | | 37 areas @ 30 min | 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.12 0.07 0.12 0.14 0.15 | 0.12 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 13 areas @ 60 min | 0.32 0.42 0.49 0.35 0.29 0.42 0.44 0.47 | 0.40 | | 25 areas @ 60 min | 0.20 0.26 0.32 0.23 0.17 0.27 0.29 0.30 | 0.26 | | 37 areas @ 60 min | 0.15 0.20 0.24 0.18 0.12 0.20 0.23 0.22 | 0.19 | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' number of scans per 15 minutes: #scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#' .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes) | #SCANS #OBS | OBS Time [s] | | STATION |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | | sum average | |---------|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|-------------|----------------| | FORTLEZA|21112121 112211211211111211212 221221221 31121221221111121122 2 12 111 11211212121121111122 21 | 122 274 | 56540 463.4 | | HART15M|3 2122322112222212222122221312122123 222 31221321222221223123 2313121 1212122121212221321321221| 165 447 | 66802 404.9 | | HOBART26|4113123222113222222313222225 2423433221513142232222422432332323321321212223123122133223312311321| 214 623 | 54742 255.8 | | KOKEE|31 2113212212313 22125114213322213 3122211122321311131211 2121121132312311213321321231 3 1| 157 427 | 55638 354.4 | | OHIGGINS|11111 111 11 211 11111 1 211 1112 13 12 11 211 221 211 1111 12 1112121212121 3 112 | 83 238 | 44018 530.3 | | SYOWA|31112232111222221222211221131 2211231222121221312122121322122122131212 121212212121221122122 221| 156 413 | 67493 432.6 | | WARK12M|411312321211321221241312212511323433221513142222222321422232212121111211323123122133223312311311| 195 558 | 72953 374.1 | | YARRA12M|4 131232121122222223222232 3121232332215131422312224224423323233 3311212222123122132221322311321| 200 596 | 71872 359.4 | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' number of available sources: 336 number of scheduled sources: 35 number of scans per 15 minutes: #scans -> char: 1-9 -> '1'-'9'; 10 -> '0'; 11-36 -> 'A'-'Z'; 37-62 -> 'a'-'z'; 63+ -> '#' .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | time since session start (1 char equals 15 minutes) | #SCANS #OBS | OBS Time [s] | | SOURCE |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | | sum average | |---------|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|-------------|----------------| | 0003-066| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 27 | 2360 472.0 | | 0019+058| 1 1 | 2 12 | 1423 711.5 | | 0104-408| 1 1 1 | 3 12 | 1473 491.0 | | 0119+115| 1 1 1 1 | 4 10 | 1768 442.0 | | 0221+067| 1 1 1 1 | 4 21 | 2415 603.8 | | 0235+164| 1 1 1 1 1| 5 24 | 2778 555.6 | | 0308-611| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 10 84 | 6955 695.5 | | 0402-362|1 1 1 1 1 1 | 6 55 | 3391 565.2 | | 0405-385| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 8 21 | 3278 409.8 | | 0420-014| 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 6 30 | 2404 400.7 | | 0454-234| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1| 26 179 | 7922 304.7 | | 0458-020|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 22 106 | 8605 391.1 | | 0648-165| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 13 57 | 6866 528.2 | | 0727-115|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 16 92 | 6175 385.9 | | 0736+017| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 24 | 2880 411.4 | | 0748+126| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 30 | 2988 426.9 | | OJ287|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 8 36 | 2777 347.1 | | 1124-186| 1 1 1 1 1 | 5 24 | 3039 607.8 | | 1149-084| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 7 33 | 3361 480.1 | | 3C274| 1 1 | 2 6 | 1006 503.0 | | 1244-255| 1 1 1 | 3 27 | 1771 590.3 | | 1255-316| 1 1 1 1 | 4 15 | 1985 496.2 | | 1334-127| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 21 111 | 7654 364.5 | | 1546+027| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 24 105 | 7186 299.4 | | 1606+106| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 9 48 | 4515 501.7 | | 1639-062| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 10 55 | 3829 382.9 | | 1741-038|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 26 131 | 7534 289.8 | | 1749+096| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 16 75 | 4542 283.9 | | 1751+288| 1 1 1 1 | 4 21 | 2522 630.5 | | 1908-201|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 12 40 | 4079 339.9 | | 1921-293| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 13 60 | 6283 483.3 | | 1936-155| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 9 45 | 3925 436.1 | | 3C446| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 14 73 | 7582 541.6 | | 2227-088| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 9 43 | 4542 504.7 | | 2255-282| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 9 56 | 4122 458.0 | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Summary of observing mode(s): band S mean frequency 2254.657 [MHz] band X mean frequency 8381.990 [MHz] observing mode: 64-16(EU-T2): band: S recording rate 48.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (28) Ft-Ht Ft-Ho Ft-Kk Ft-Oh Ft-Sy Ft-Ww Ft-Yg Ht-Ho Ht-Kk Ht-Oh Ht-Sy Ht-Ww Ht-Yg Ho-Kk Ho-Oh Ho-Sy Ho-Ww Ho-Yg Kk-Oh Kk-Sy Kk-Ww Kk-Yg Oh-Sy Oh-Ww Oh-Yg Sy-Ww Sy-Yg Ww-Yg band: X recording rate 80.00 [Mbit/s] with efficiency factor 0.6175: (28) Ft-Ht Ft-Ho Ft-Kk Ft-Oh Ft-Sy Ft-Ww Ft-Yg Ht-Ho Ht-Kk Ht-Oh Ht-Sy Ht-Ww Ht-Yg Ho-Kk Ho-Oh Ho-Sy Ho-Ww Ho-Yg Kk-Oh Kk-Sy Kk-Ww Kk-Yg Oh-Sy Oh-Ww Oh-Yg Sy-Ww Sy-Yg Ww-Yg average theoretical SNR for S-band per baseline: .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | STATIONS | FORTLEZA HART15M HOBART26 KOKEE OHIGGINS SYOWA WARK12M YARRA12M | AVERAGE | |----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | FORTLEZA | 60.57 31.91 44.05 18.15 20.92 22.26 19.03 | 36.59 | | HART15M | 55.82 - 36.15 52.73 37.18 44.47 | 50.43 | | HOBART26 | 52.82 29.70 30.35 38.91 42.99 | 43.49 | | KOKEE | 27.14 34.37 48.38 38.76 | 46.18 | | OHIGGINS | 20.58 22.47 17.85 | 24.96 | | SYOWA | 22.49 23.38 | 33.23 | | WARK12M | 24.48 | 35.70 | | YARRA12M | | 34.45 | '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' average theoretical SNR for X-band per baseline: .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | STATIONS | FORTLEZA HART15M HOBART26 KOKEE OHIGGINS SYOWA WARK12M YARRA12M | AVERAGE | |----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | FORTLEZA | 100.58 44.41 49.60 48.45 33.31 31.30 30.75 | 61.95 | | HART15M | 100.33 - 93.48 83.84 53.52 75.47 | 87.68 | | HOBART26 | 66.43 49.32 60.63 88.62 83.05 | 79.25 | | KOKEE | 32.49 25.14 57.27 40.11 | 54.08 | | OHIGGINS | 50.32 37.26 24.81 | 56.11 | | SYOWA | 34.18 33.76 | 55.34 | | WARK12M | 49.21 | 62.66 | | YARRA12M | | 57.96 | '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' scan observing durations: scan duration: 0- 79 | + 80-159 | ++++++++++++++ 160-239 | ++++++++++++++ 240-319 | ++++++++ 320-399 | +++++++++ 400-479 | +++++++++++ 480-559 | +++++++++ 560-639 | +++++++++++ 640-719 | +++++++++ 720-799 | +++++++++++ scheduled scan length: .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | S1-S2 | min 10% 50% 90% 95% 97.5% 99% max | sum average | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| | ALL | 51 129 418 745 780 780 780 780 | 145935 418.2 | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| | Ft-Ht | 48 137 414 660 708 732 775 780 | 39976 399.8 | | Ft-Ho | 300 300 347 600 600 600 600 600 | 2551 425.2 | | Ht-Ho | 31 43 227 541 600 600 607 682 | 13843 256.4 | | Ft-Kk | 133 202 337 605 780 780 780 780 | 7426 412.6 | | Ho-Kk | 30 33 192 498 603 647 678 711 | 33197 244.1 | | Ft-Oh | 174 179 501 708 740 780 780 780 | 25857 478.8 | | Ht-Oh | 122 205 437 705 764 780 780 780 | 26855 463.0 | | Ho-Oh | 52 101 383 673 682 682 682 764 | 7940 397.0 | | Kk-Oh | 118 133 331 611 750 750 750 764 | 6677 417.3 | | Ft-Sy | 125 179 480 732 780 780 780 780 | 31887 455.5 | | Ht-Sy | 37 121 371 678 747 780 780 780 | 53539 396.6 | | Ho-Sy | 33 43 157 600 600 600 607 620 | 12354 242.2 | | Kk-Sy | 99 99 220 658 658 658 658 780 | 3046 338.4 | | Oh-Sy | 176 221 512 710 745 762 780 780 | 25774 486.3 | | Ft-Ww | 256 297 475 641 678 678 678 747 | 6885 491.8 | | Ht-Ww | 48 56 339 645 691 742 742 749 | 9222 354.7 | | Ho-Ww | 30 37 228 533 620 673 696 774 | 47307 261.4 | | Kk-Ww | 36 103 320 675 748 780 780 780 | 50997 354.1 | | Oh-Ww | 127 184 583 764 771 771 771 773 | 9923 551.3 | | Sy-Ww | 99 126 231 685 747 749 749 762 | 9715 335.0 | | Ft-Yg | 255 286 442 572 611 611 611 701 | 5371 447.6 | | Ht-Yg | 37 79 292 627 698 762 780 780 | 24822 335.4 | | Ho-Yg | 30 43 248 545 616 673 696 764 | 46839 267.7 | | Kk-Yg | 55 109 311 579 713 748 750 774 | 34907 335.6 | | Oh-Yg | 182 188 583 764 764 764 764 764 | 9847 518.3 | | Sy-Yg | 78 101 286 608 672 701 763 773 | 22143 335.5 | | Ww-Yg | 55 103 381 658 745 764 770 774 | 51989 356.1 | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' First Scans: .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | scan: no0000 (id: 114392626) duration: 17:30:00 - 17:31:55 | | Source: OJ287 (id: 124) type: target subnetting scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | station | delay | slew | idle | preob | obs | duration | az [deg] | unaz [deg] | el [deg] | | | [s] | [s] | [s] | [s] | [s] | start - end | start - end | start - end | start - end | |--------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|---------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|-------------------| | HOBART26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 31 | 17:30:00 - 17:30:31 | 38.8975 - 38.7864 | 38.8975 - 38.7864 | 17.3426 - 17.4022 | (id: 2124009102 and 2124009110) | KOKEE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 115 | 17:30:00 - 17:31:55 | 262.8112 - 263.2309 | 622.8112 - 623.2309 | 77.4610 - 77.0192 | (id: 2124009103 and 2124009111) | WARK12M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 115 | 17:30:00 - 17:31:55 | 13.8331 - 13.3095 | 373.8331 - 373.3095 | 32.3285 - 32.4192 | (id: 2124009104 and 2124009112) | YARRA12M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 101 | 17:30:00 - 17:31:41 | 63.6256 - 63.4052 | 423.6256 - 423.4052 | 5.2279 - 5.5581 | (id: 2124009105 and 2124009113) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no0001 (id: 114392628) duration: 17:30:00 - 17:33:15 | | Source: 1908-201 (id: 269) type: target subnetting scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FORTLEZA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 17:30:00 - 17:30:48 | 131.9031 - 132.1773 | 491.9031 - 492.1773 | 64.9561 - 65.1047 | (id: 2124009115 and 2124009120) | HART15M | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 195 | 17:30:00 - 17:33:15 | 267.7608 - 267.4376 | -92.2392 - -92.5624 | 47.0067 - 46.2744 | (id: 2124009116 and 2124009121) | SYOWA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 195 | 17:30:00 - 17:33:15 | 292.7994 - 291.9754 | 292.7994 - 291.9754 | 29.7889 - 29.5190 | (id: 2124009117 and 2124009122) | ignore observations: Ft-Sy | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no0002 (id: 114393543) duration: 17:32:52 - 17:35:10 | | Source: 0458-020 (id: 70) type: target subnetting scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HOBART26 | 6 | 125 | 0 | 10 | 74 | 17:32:52 - 17:34:06 | 331.5153 - 331.1024 | 331.5153 - 331.1024 | 45.5914 - 45.4825 | (id: 2124020236 and 2124020236) | KOKEE | 6 | 41 | 29 | 10 | 138 | 17:32:52 - 17:35:10 | 261.3199 - 261.5587 | 621.3199 - 621.5587 | 15.4886 - 14.9605 | (id: 2124020237 and 2124020237) | WARK12M | 6 | 19 | 70 | 10 | 136 | 17:32:52 - 17:35:08 | 297.5344 - 297.0521 | 297.5344 - 297.0521 | 34.8485 - 34.4422 | (id: 2124020238 and 2124020238) | YARRA12M | 6 | 55 | 15 | 10 | 138 | 17:32:52 - 17:35:10 | 26.1432 - 25.0603 | 386.1432 - 385.0603 | 60.3760 - 60.5938 | (id: 2124020239 and 2124020239) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Last Scans: .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | scan: no0346 (id: 114390426) duration: 17:12:53 - 17:24:38 | | Source: 0402-362 (id: 50) type: calibrator single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HART15M | 6 | 72 | 85 | 10 | 705 | 17:12:53 - 17:24:38 | 123.1571 - 122.2839 | 123.1571 - 122.2839 | 14.9742 - 17.2037 | (id: 2123983837 and 2123987912) | HOBART26 | 6 | 157 | 0 | 10 | 600 | 17:12:53 - 17:22:53 | 276.3675 - 274.2947 | 276.3675 - 274.2947 | 66.0833 - 64.2520 | (id: 2123983839 and 2123988065) | OHIGGINS | 6 | 45 | 112 | 10 | 705 | 17:12:53 - 17:24:38 | 176.2805 - 173.8682 | 536.2805 - 533.8682 | 9.4135 - 9.5271 | (id: 2123983859 and 2123988269) | SYOWA | 6 | 17 | 140 | 10 | 605 | 17:12:53 - 17:22:58 | 93.8619 - 91.5352 | 453.8619 - 451.5352 | 37.5521 - 38.4567 | (id: 2123983867 and 2123988449) | WARK12M | 0 | 0 | 773 | 0 | 600 | 17:12:53 - 17:22:53 | 252.6379 - 251.7382 | 612.6379 - 611.7382 | 44.6446 - 42.7244 | (id: 2123983869 and 2123988624) | YARRA12M | 6 | 56 | 101 | 10 | 698 | 17:12:53 - 17:24:31 | 165.6078 - 184.6574 | 165.6078 - 184.6574 | 82.7761 - 82.9960 | (id: 2123983876 and 2123988780) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no0347 (id: 114568314) duration: 17:23:18 - 17:30:00 | | Source: 0454-234 (id: 69) type: target single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | KOKEE | 6 | 25 | 1461 | 10 | 402 | 17:23:18 - 17:30:00 | 241.5072 - 242.2139 | 601.5072 - 602.2139 | 6.4453 - 5.0733 | (id: 2126092693 and 2126093512) | SYOWA | 6 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 402 | 17:23:18 - 17:30:00 | 97.5959 - 96.0574 | 457.5959 - 456.0574 | 22.2159 - 22.8133 | (id: 2126092695 and 2126093526) | WARK12M | 6 | 9 | 0 | 10 | 402 | 17:23:18 - 17:30:00 | 274.8720 - 273.7635 | 634.8720 - 633.7635 | 48.1540 - 46.8066 | (id: 2126092696 and 2126093533) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | scan: no0348 (id: 114568522) duration: 17:25:32 - 17:30:00 | | Source: 0235+164 (id: 30) type: target single source scan | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | HART15M | 6 | 38 | 105 | 10 | 268 | 17:25:32 - 17:30:00 | 63.6248 - 63.0242 | 63.6248 - 63.0242 | 13.4143 - 14.3144 | (id: 2126094811 and 2126096519) | HOBART26 | 6 | 143 | 0 | 10 | 268 | 17:25:32 - 17:30:00 | 307.2373 - 306.3710 | 307.2373 - 306.3710 | 12.4181 - 11.7603 | (id: 2126094813 and 2126096548) | YARRA12M | 6 | 45 | 98 | 10 | 268 | 17:25:32 - 17:30:00 | 332.0718 - 330.8257 | 332.0718 - 330.8257 | 39.4809 - 39.0130 | (id: 2126094821 and 2126096572) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| .------------------------------------------. | sun position: | earth velocity: | |----------------------|-------------------| | RA: 14h 43m 14.70s | x: -20793 [m/s] | | DEC: -15° 49' 04.99" | y: 19887 [m/s] | | | z: 8620 [m/s] | '------------------------------------------' .--------------------------------------------------------------------. | earth nutation: | | time | X Y S | |---------------------|----------------------------------------------| | 2020.11.04 17:30:00 | +1.989395e-03 +1.787105e-06 -1.328338e-08 | | 2020.11.04 18:30:00 | +1.989413e-03 +1.782201e-06 -1.327849e-08 | | 2020.11.04 19:30:00 | +1.989431e-03 +1.777445e-06 -1.327374e-08 | | 2020.11.04 20:30:00 | +1.989449e-03 +1.772837e-06 -1.326914e-08 | | 2020.11.04 21:30:00 | +1.989468e-03 +1.768378e-06 -1.326468e-08 | | 2020.11.04 22:30:00 | +1.989486e-03 +1.764069e-06 -1.326038e-08 | | 2020.11.04 23:30:00 | +1.989504e-03 +1.759911e-06 -1.325622e-08 | | 2020.11.05 00:30:00 | +1.989522e-03 +1.755906e-06 -1.325222e-08 | | 2020.11.05 01:30:00 | +1.989541e-03 +1.752053e-06 -1.324837e-08 | | 2020.11.05 02:30:00 | +1.989559e-03 +1.748355e-06 -1.324467e-08 | | 2020.11.05 03:30:00 | +1.989577e-03 +1.744811e-06 -1.324113e-08 | | 2020.11.05 04:30:00 | +1.989596e-03 +1.741423e-06 -1.323774e-08 | | 2020.11.05 05:30:00 | +1.989614e-03 +1.738190e-06 -1.323451e-08 | | 2020.11.05 06:30:00 | +1.989633e-03 +1.735115e-06 -1.323143e-08 | | 2020.11.05 07:30:00 | +1.989651e-03 +1.732197e-06 -1.322851e-08 | | 2020.11.05 08:30:00 | +1.989670e-03 +1.729437e-06 -1.322574e-08 | | 2020.11.05 09:30:00 | +1.989689e-03 +1.726836e-06 -1.322314e-08 | | 2020.11.05 10:30:00 | +1.989707e-03 +1.724394e-06 -1.322069e-08 | | 2020.11.05 11:30:00 | +1.989726e-03 +1.722112e-06 -1.321840e-08 | | 2020.11.05 12:30:00 | +1.989744e-03 +1.719990e-06 -1.321627e-08 | | 2020.11.05 13:30:00 | +1.989763e-03 +1.718028e-06 -1.321430e-08 | | 2020.11.05 14:30:00 | +1.989782e-03 +1.716228e-06 -1.321249e-08 | | 2020.11.05 15:30:00 | +1.989800e-03 +1.714588e-06 -1.321084e-08 | | 2020.11.05 16:30:00 | +1.989819e-03 +1.713110e-06 -1.320935e-08 | | 2020.11.05 17:30:00 | +1.989838e-03 +1.711793e-06 -1.320802e-08 | | 2020.11.05 18:30:00 | +1.989856e-03 +1.710638e-06 -1.320686e-08 | '--------------------------------------------------------------------' ================================================================================================================================================ FULL SCHEDULING SETUP ================================================================================================================================================ Can be used to recreate schedule: VieSched++ GUI cde98f5214513c0602e850ac9448555f5c440c26 matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at OHG128 2020.11.04 17:30:00 2020.11.05 17:30:00 true 150 1 true true true __all__ start error info true 300 FORTLEZA HOBART26 HART15M KOKEE OHIGGINS SYOWA WARK12M YARRA12M IVS-OHG128 VIEN BONN Matthias Schartner matthias.schartner@geo.tuwien.ac.at +43(1) 58801 - 12811 Technische Universitaet Wien Christian Ploetz christian.ploetz@bkg.bund.de Geodatisches Observatorium Wettzell This is an automatically generated schedule\nThe template was generated by Matthias Schartner and Christian Ploetz\n\nPurpose\n=======\nThe purpose of the IVS-OHIG (Southern Terrestrial Reference Frame) sessions\nis to tie together optimally the sites in the southern hemisphere.\nBecause these sessions concentrate on the southern sites and do not use\nobserving time to accurately tie these sites to far northern sites (as\nthe Global Sessions do) they should yield a very accurate regional TRF\naround the South Pole.\n\nSchedule\n========\nThis is a schedule generated with the automatic mode of sked using\nthe variable scan length with a minimum of 30 seconds. The most recent\nand updated source flux models are included. SNR goals are around 24/20 at\nX-band and 22/18 at S-band for all stations.\n true true false true true true false true false false /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/antenna.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/equip.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/flux.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/freq.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/hdpos.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/loif.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/mask.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/modes.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/position.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/rec.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/rx.cat /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/source.cat.geodetic.good /home/oper/VieSchedpp/VieSchedpp_AUTO/CATALOGS/tracks.cat __all__ default hard KOKEE 2020.11.04 18:20:00 2020.11.04 19:40:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 18:55:00 2020.11.04 19:17:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 20:28:00 2020.11.04 20:53:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 21:21:00 2020.11.04 21:45:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.04 22:55:00 2020.11.04 23:19:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 00:29:00 2020.11.05 00:52:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 02:04:00 2020.11.05 02:23:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 05:08:00 2020.11.05 05:26:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 06:39:00 2020.11.05 07:01:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 08:11:00 2020.11.05 08:35:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 09:45:00 2020.11.05 10:09:00 down hard OHIGGINS 2020.11.05 11:24:00 2020.11.05 11:41:00 down hard 1 1 1 30 780 0 1200 175 0 1200 5 9999 999999 10 3 6 0 1 5 5 0 0 __all__ default hard 1 1 1 0 4 0 9999 3 1800 0.25 999 __all__ default hard high_high low_snr hard high_low mid_snr hard low_low high_snr hard 0 0 9999 1 20 15 22 17 25 20 Oh-Sy Oh-Yg Sy-Yg Ft-Oh Ft-Sy Ft-Yg Ho-Oh Ho-Sy Ho-Yg Ht-Oh Ht-Sy Ht-Yg Kk-Oh Kk-Sy Kk-Yg Oh-Ww Sy-Ww Ww-Yg Ft-Ho Ft-Ht Ft-Kk Ft-Ww Ho-Ht Ho-Kk Ho-Ww Ht-Kk Ht-Ww Kk-Ww 30 3600 0 cosine cosine 1 1 1 1 180 and 10 2 3 50 __all__ 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 300 true 15 120 10 2.5 0.5 10 2 auto auto 64-16(EU-T2) 20 required 0 required 15 required 0 required 600 2 600 __all__ 84600 2 600 __all__ 1000 17.68 1 50 1.8 2000 200 2 8 0 150 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 24 0.0001 true true true true 60 1.3 30 1.5 180 0.050000000000000003 180 0.050000000000000003 3 5 25 __none__ __all__ 70 0.75 1 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11